Jonathan Date-Chong

The GISAID Initiative (Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data) is a non-profit organization that investigates and records data on viruses that impacts humans as well as animals. Its main mission is to provide open access information on virus data (especially that of influenza viruses).

Folding At Home is a project that allows its user simulates protein dynamics and share the data received. According to the Folding At Home website, this data allows us to determine the function of a protein. This is especially relevant because the viruses like the coronavirus use its proteins to suppress our immune systems and reproduce. Knowing the exact functions of these proteins would allow us to create a treatment to prevent the viruses ability to replicate.

Nextstrain documents data about viruses and public health. Currently, Nextstrain’s website reports data about the mutations of the coronavirus and how the virus has been transmitted.

This article states that scientists have obtained a complete genome sequence of a strain of the coronavirus. This information has been released to the public so that further research about the virus can be synthesized

The Galaxy Project currently provides open-source tools for coronavirus data analysis. It provides raw sequencing read datasets, live results about the coronavirus’s evolution, analysis about compounds that allow the virus to replicate.